Is it Legal to Shoot Squirrels with a BB Gun?

Haha, that would be something! But seriously, we should all reflect on how our actions affect the larger ecosystem.

Shooting squirrels with a BB gun can be illegal and often leads to unnecessary suffering. Have you considered humane deterrents like planting peppermint around your yard? Squirrels dislike the smell!

That’s a great point, qjohnson! I read that using natural squirrel repellents can be quite effective. Anyone tried that?

Humane trapping is a solid option! You can use live traps to capture them and then relocate them, but make sure to check local regulations to see where you can take them.

Trapping seems like the way to go! Are there specific traps that you recommend for squirrels?

I’ve seen good results with the Havahart traps. They’re designed for squirrels and other small animals. Just be sure to check them frequently!

Deterring squirrels is key! Things like motion-activated sprinklers or even reflective surfaces can frighten them away. Plus, it keeps your garden safe without harm!

I love the idea of motion-activated sprinklers! That sounds fun for the kids too! Has anyone had success with this method?


I’ve used motion sensors, and they work surprisingly well. Just be sure to set them up strategically, or you might end up scaring yourself too!

Haha, that’s true! It could be like a popcorn surprise! But really, I appreciate all these suggestions. They seem humane!

Glad to hear you’re finding the suggestions helpful, Cynthia! It’s always good to prioritize humane methods. And remember, urban wildlife can adapt quickly! Keep experimenting.