Does Doe in Estrus Really Work for Attracting Bucks?


As deer hunting season approaches, I’ve been doing a lot of research into various attractants, and one topic that keeps popping up is doe estrus scent. I’m curious about whether this stuff actually works or if it’s just another gimmick that hunters fall for every year.

Personal Experiences

I’ve read countless articles and forum posts where hunters share their success stories (and failures) with doe estrus. Some claim it’s a game-changer during the rut, while others say they’ve never noticed a difference. Has anyone here had any solid experiences using doe estrus? Did you find that bucks responded to it in any noticeable way?

Effectiveness During the Rut

It seems like timing is crucial. Many agree that applying doe estrus scent right at the beginning of the rut can yield the best results. But when exactly is that for different regions? I’ve noticed varying opinions on the best time to use it. In the Midwest, for instance, some hunters swear by mid-November. What about other areas?

Application Tips

I’ve also read about different methods of applying the scent. Some people use scent drags, while others spray it on scrapes or around their stands. What’s worked best for you? Also, how do you store it to keep it potent?

Scientific Perspective

Are there any studies out there that back up the effectiveness of these products? It would be great to see some scientific insight on whether bucks can really smell it from great distances or if it’s just our hopeful imagination.


In short, I’m seeking advice from anyone who’s used doe estrus scent. Does it really work? I’d appreciate any insights, tips, or stories you can share to help me in my upcoming hunts. Let’s hear your experiences and thoughts!

I’ve been using doe in estrus scents for a few seasons now with varying success. Brands like Conquest Scents and Tinks have worked for me. It really depends on the area you hunt.

I’ve heard great things about the scents from Code Blue as well! They seem to get a lot of positive reviews, especially during the rut. Has anyone else tried them?


I tried Tinks earlier this year, but I didn’t have much luck. Maybe I was using it incorrectly? Any tips for optimal use?


It’s crucial to apply the scent at the right time and spot, ideally near scrapes or trails that bucks frequent. Also, make sure to use it sparingly to avoid over-scenting the area.

I’ve had some success using artificial scents, but live bait like estrous doe urine tends to work better, in my experience. What do you think, is it worth the extra effort?

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I think there’s definitely a place for both! But artificial scents can be more convenient. It’s all about what fits your style of hunting.

It is absolutely worth it if you’re hunting during the rut! Just remember to store it properly to maintain its effectiveness.


I’ve tried a few different brands, and honestly the results can be hit or miss. Just last week, I saw a buck well after using a brand I thought was ineffective!

That’s the unpredictability of hunting! Sometimes it’s not the scent but the timing and location. Any tips from seasoned hunters here?

Focus on the wind direction and set up downwind of where you expect the bucks to come from. That can make all the difference!

I’ve attempted using doe in estrus scents while hunting, but sometimes I just end up attracting the local raccoons instead! So maybe it’s not so effective for everyone…

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Ha! That’s hilarious, but a common issue! Just make sure to use it strategically – more bucks, less raccoons!

Using doe in estrus can be effective, but timing is crucial. I find that mid-November is often the sweet spot for many regions. Make sure to set up your stands near known travel routes.

Great point! I’ve had success placing scents on scrapes and trails leading to my setup. It really draws them in.

I’ve tried doe in estrus with mixed results. Sometimes it works, other times not so much. It definitely seems to depend on the local deer population and their rutting behavior.

Absolutely! In areas where deer are pressured, they might be less responsive. Setting up several scent stations can help cover more ground!

When applying doe in estrus, I’ve found that less is more. A small amount on a scent wick placed upwind has worked better than dousing the area with it.

That’s a solid strategy! I also suggest hunting at dawn or dusk when bucks are most active and looking for does.

Has anyone ever used doe in estrus with decoys? I’m curious if combining the two can amplify the attraction during rut. Any success stories out there?