I’ve been looking into the conversion kits for the Glock 21 too! The 10mm option seems intriguing, especially with increased stopping power. Any recommendations?
I have the Lone Wolf conversion kit, and it works surprisingly well! Installation was straightforward—just a bit of patience needed for the parts to fit right.
I’ve had a few jams with my conversion, but it seems like a break-in issue. After a couple of hundred rounds, it got smoother. Just keep your chamber clean!
Interesting point, @cobrien! I’ve heard that too, but I wonder if certain brands are more prone to issues than others? Anyone have a perfect experience?
I tried a few and didn’t have feeding problems with the 10mmK. It has been significantly reliable for me. I think it depends on the individual gun as well.
I’ve done a 10mm conversion on my Glock 21, and the performance is noticeably improved. The recoil is sharp, but manageable. I’ve found I’m hitting my targets more accurately at longer distances.
I’ve had a different experience. My Glock 21 10mm conversion had a lot of muzzle flip, which threw me off my aim. It took extra practice to get my precision back.